Saturday, November 1, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

It's been quite a busy week!  I've fallen way behind on my schoolwork over the past couple of months, unfortunately, and I am still struggling to get to where I should be.  I'm slowly getting there.  This is partially due to my periods of intense anxiety/depression and partially due to just laziness.  The third part of this is that I'm just so doggone tired all the time.  

Today I made brownies, my niece's recipe, in preparation for going to a friend's for dinner.  I ended up with a migraine (I think) that I was actually vomiting with - this could also be a stomach bug that's going around.  I'm pretty sure it was a migraine though, because I'm feeling WAY better after sleeping for 3 hours.  

On the knitting front, I've started working again on a lacey shawl I started back in May using Noro Aurora.  I keep making mistakes, but it's so gappy that they don't show, luckily!  I'm also working on a vampire-inspired knit (the dork in me coming out...)  a neck warmer in red and black Jitterbug mixed with a Kraemer yarn with silver in it.  I had to rip some of it out today (UGH!!!!!), but that's just the way it is, I suppose.

Tomorrow will be a day of cleaning (I've been trying to get the bedroom organized), and homework.  Hopefully I can finish Breaking Dawn at some point in the near future!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was sure you would have been done with that book by now! I shouldn't talk, I am still reading "New Moon"!