Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The quarter is over!!!!!

I am so relieved and happy that this quarter is over. Now I just have to sit back and hope that I pass all of my classes! This was a HARD quarter for me...I took 4 classes, which I realized is too many, so next quarter I am taking 3. Hopefully it's a little easier for me.

On the pregnancy front, nothing really going on. I'm not bleeding, not cramping, nothing. Just feeling mostly normal (except a bit of nausea and smelling bacon everywhere (WTF?!?!)). I have an ultrasound scheduled for Friday morning, so I guess we will see what the scan shows.

Tom is almost done with school for the semester. We are both looking forward to BREATHING a bit! This has been stressful, with both of us being full time students and working full time, but the month of December will be relaxing (I hope!).

Well, it's getting late, so I should get myself to bed! Sleep tight!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks...

Instead of my usual complaints and yapping on about nothing, I've decided to list some things I'm thankful for this year.

1. TOM! I don't know what I would do without him. He's the love of my life, my solid ground, my comfort, my everything. He works so hard and I don't always show him my appreciation. I love you so so much.
2. My awesome family. I can't stress the word awesome enough. We've been through a lot in the past year and I think it's made us closer. I love spending time with them - my mom, all my brother and sisters (and sisters and brothers in law), and especially my nieces and nephews. Can't get enough of them. Thanks so much for everything you have done for me and the support you've shown.
3. My health. Yes, I said it. Despite what I believe in my mind, I AM pretty healthy (physically anyway...mental health is a different story...:) )
4. My home. I am blessed enough to have a mother who is welcoming and loving and enjoys the company of Tom and I. We plan to be here awhile and she seems okay with that. Many people in these times are struggling to live, and we are so lucky to have what we do.
5. My job. I have a great job, work with awesome people, and actually love going to work.
6. My education. Even though I can't stand homework and am totally lazy, I LOVE the fact that I am getting my education and will (one day) be done.
7. I can't leave this out, as trivial as it is. The Twilight books. My nice list just turned nerdy. They got me reading again (ok, I had been reading, but not that much). And, have given me stuff to look forward to. (Did I mention the movie is amazing? I've now seen it twice and have a third time planned.)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Have a peaceful day and rest up for shopping tomorrow!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Well I continue to have pregnancy issues this weekend, unfortunately. I'm trying to rest and put those at the back of my mind.

The highlight of my WHOLE weekend was seeing Twilight on Friday night. It was amazing - everything I wanted it to be. Tom has promised me that after the stress of my doctor's appointment tomorrow he'll take me to see it tomorrow night again after work! YAY!!! I'm REALLY excited about this. I cannot stop thinking about the movie and keep replaying it in my head. It has consumed me!! Ha ha.

This is a short week at work, which is nice. It should be easy, as we probably have many students on vacation. I'm looking forward to having a quiet week and a restful Thanksgiving. Then starts the Christmas madness!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is crap..

Well, once again, things aren't going well on the pregnancy front. My beta HCG is not rising as it should be. I had an ultrasound today and the gestational sac is measuring a week behind (not good.) The doctor called me and told me he would not be surprised if I miscarried over the weekend. So, I've had a crappy week. Today I'm resting at home and plan to return to work tomorrow. I have to go back in on Monday and have one more blood draw and an ultrasound just to confirm what's going on.

Tom and I have decided to truly consider adoption. We feel that this is the right decision for us and have started looking into it at this point. So we will see what happens!

Tonight is the premiere of Twilight, which is at least one thing I am looking forward to. At least my mind will be distracted for a couple of hours.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Well I've been pregnant for like, 2 minutes, and am already having "symptoms." Are they all in my head? Possibly. I am extremely tired, hungry and nauseated at the same time, have a headache, very sore "upstairs," if you know what I mean, and just other random symptoms. Tomorrow morning I go to the specialist for initial bloodwork. On Thursday, I go back for a 2nd round of the same tests to make sure that my numbers are increasing adequately.

I'm still not done with Breaking Dawn or with my 2nd sock. The positive pregnancy test threw me for a loop!

I am off to rest and try to get rid of this headache.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


It's a bit blurry - but I'm sure you get the idea. It's really early, but I can't even freaking believe this. I'm approx. 4 weeks pregnant - due some time around mid-July. Oh my Lord...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Matters of the heart

The Stress Echo went okay - I was so nervous that my heart rate was 170 - no need to get on the treadmill to stress my heart.  Both the tech and the cardiologist said that my heart was functionally and structurally normal, so that's good.  They want me to wear a 48 hour EKG monitor to make sure that my heart rate isn't always sky high.  So, I'll be making an appointment for that.  The cardiologist's exact words were, "You don't have anything bad wrong with you."  He knew what I needed to hear!

I am STOKED that in 2 weeks, the Twilight movie comes out.  My husband and I are living in true dork fashion and going to the 12am showing.  I couldn't resist.  I feel like I have been waiting forever - good thing I didn't find the books when they first came out!

In other news, Tom and I are pretty broke.  Once again, we have tons of medical bills because of my neurologist appointments and my sleep study.  Over 3 grand.  Blech.

I'm almost done with my second sock.  WOO HOO!!  After that, I am knitting up my "vampire yarn" which I bought on etsy.  

Tonight Tom and I are going to a friend's house.  A friend I think I've seen ONCE in 8 years!  I'm so excited to catch up with her!!!

Have a great weekend!