Thursday, October 23, 2008

6 months later...

It's been quite some time since I have posted. My dad passed away in June, which was difficult for my whole family, especially my mom. We are still grieving in some ways, but things have gotten a lot better. Tom and I are living with my mom and both working hard and going to school full time. So, it's rare that we see each other.

I have been trying to find the time to do some knitting in between school, work, and reading the Twilight saga, which I admit that I am obsessed with. I am on the final book, Breaking Dawn, and am ready to finish it up so that I can start the first book over again before the movie comes out at the end of November.

I've been having some major anxiety issues lately, although they seem to be quieting down. I had a sleep study done at the end of September which revealed mild sleep apnea, but also revealed that I had a 7-beat run of ventricular tachycardia during the night. Needless to say, this freaks the ever-living crap out of me. Of course I went right to the internet and researched the subject. Most of the time, people with this have heart disease, structural damage to the heart, or heart failure. I had an EKG 2 weeks ago at the doctor, which was clear. My blood work looked good. The only test left for me to have is a stress echo, which is scheduled for 11/5. Not looking forward to it.

I'm struggling to re-commit to fitness and weight loss, which is hard with the very small amount of time I have to myself. I try to eat right for the most part, but toward the end of the day I get sleepy and lazy and stop keeping track of what I eat. Anyone have any good ideas?!!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back on, I just decided to check.