Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is crap..

Well, once again, things aren't going well on the pregnancy front. My beta HCG is not rising as it should be. I had an ultrasound today and the gestational sac is measuring a week behind (not good.) The doctor called me and told me he would not be surprised if I miscarried over the weekend. So, I've had a crappy week. Today I'm resting at home and plan to return to work tomorrow. I have to go back in on Monday and have one more blood draw and an ultrasound just to confirm what's going on.

Tom and I have decided to truly consider adoption. We feel that this is the right decision for us and have started looking into it at this point. So we will see what happens!

Tonight is the premiere of Twilight, which is at least one thing I am looking forward to. At least my mind will be distracted for a couple of hours.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I am so sorry. You will make a wonderful mommy someday, no matter how it happens!

I am reading Twlight now and need to go get the other 3 books! I am HOOKED!