Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Tomorrow I have to have an echocardiogram and I am NOT looking forward to it. There are a number of reasons for this.

1. I am a hypochondriac. You say the words "heart problem" or "potentially harmful/dangerous" and my mind starts RACING! This is what happened in September when my neurologist noted a 7-beat run of ventricular tachycardia on my EKG strip. He even said it was VERY short, but of course I researched everything I could online and read how dangerous this can be.
2. It will be AT LEAST a week before I receive results. Please read above for more explanation about why this would bother me.
3. I hate doctors. My blood pressure will be sky high and my heart will be racing. Plus, it seems like whenever I am the most nervous is when I have to sit in the waiting room the longest.
4. My appointment isn't until 10:45am. This gives me tons of time to obsess about it once I wake up in the morning.

Luckily, my sister is coming along for support. I am just terrified that I have heart disease, CAD, cardiomyopathy, etc. (see, I really have done my research). Oh, and I also think I have heart failure. I have no family history, don't smoke, have no congenital heart defects, and have never had a problem with my heart in my life. I do, however, have high blood pressure, could lose quite a bit of weight, and barely exercise. So I have things going against me. If anything, this should be a wake-up call for me to get healthier - but instead, I'm focusing all of my thoughts on it and anxietizing about it (is that a word?)

Anyway, enough rambling about that.

I have decided to finish my second sock of my first pair of socks. It's been hiding for quite some time. I'm finally catching up on my school work and have been able to find a little time for myself.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow, as my stress has NO LIMITS!!!

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