Monday, December 3, 2007


I went back to work today. It was busy, but good to get back to normal. There are a few parents and staff members who are unaware of what happened still, so I was trying to avoid them. I know I'll have to talk about it eventually, but not on my first day back! I had an appointment with my PCP today to get labs done for my liver enzymes, ANA, etc (a bunch of stuff that was going on before I got pregnant). Hopefully those all come back normal. Tomorrow I go and see the doctor who did my D&E. Hopefully I'm all clear from that as well. I am STILL leaking milk. Something else I'll be discussing with my doctor this week.

I rented Christmas With the Kranks to watch tonight while Tom is at work. He has something against that movie - I don't know what. I'm wondering if it's any good or not.

Found out today that my dad is having surgery again twice in January. We knew that he would be, but the time has just gone so fast. Hopefully they can take care of any remaining problems and get him all fixed up before he starts chemo again. It's been a long road for him! I'm just praying that everything turns out the way the doctors keep saying it's going to turn out.

Well, I have nothing else to say. Goodnight.

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