Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! This holiday is really fun for me this year! My nephew, Jack is over for Christmas eve, which is a big deal in our family. Tomorrow, for Christmas Day, we will open gifts in the morning and then just chill out all day. On Wednesday, my nephew and brother and sister in law from NY are coming down. On Friday, my sister and her 3 kids are coming to visit for a couple of weeks. It's going to be busy, but fun.

I've been having some really intense anxiety lately. I'm not sure what it's from, but I wish I could just get rid of it. All of a sudden, I'll feel completely panicked. I've had panic attacks before, and this feels like when one is just starting. It comes and goes. I'm super-paranoid about everything...every time Tom leaves for the day I'm afraid he's going to get in a car accident...every time I get in the car I'm afraid of getting in a wreck. I'm afraid of dying in my sleep. I've always had a "death-and-disease" phobia, but it seems to be getting worse. Apparently this is normal post-miscarriage.

On another note, Tom and I are going to start Weight Watchers after New Years! I really want to lose some more weight (I lost 40lbs before I got pregnant) and so does Tom. I know it'll be a challenging and long road, but I at least want to stick with it until I get pregnant again.

Well I am going to take sweet little Jack outside! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

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