Thursday, December 6, 2007

Nothing exciting

Work has been going great. I really can't complain too much. It's been busy, but a great distraction. Today when I came home, though, I completely lost it and just started bawling. My heart still hurts. I still miss my precious baby. I know that I always will. It just still feels so fresh. I swear sometimes I can "feel the baby move." I know it's just muscle twitches or whatever. I'm afraid that the pain of this loss will never go away. But, life must go on and we will try again...maybe the 4th time will be the lucky one?

Other than that, we're totally broke and trying to get some Christmas stuff taken care of. We've decided to each get each other 3 gifts this year that cost $20 or less each. It's kind of fun and a little challenging. I made sure to tell Tom the things that I *really* wanted. We've decided to spend more money on gifts for our nieces and nephews and give as much as we can to our church, and organizations like Toys for Tots, etc. We don't need more stuff for ourselves, that's for sure!

Well I am so sleepy, so I'm going to lay around in bed. Goodnight!

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