Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Wooooo hooooo! First post of 2008. I haven't been as vigilant at keeping up with this blog as I wanted to be. I update it when I remember that it's here. My brother, Mike and my sister, Kerry and her kids are here visiting, so it's been hectic, but fun! We found out yesterday that my dad is having surgery next week some time, so that's a little bit of a stressor for me right now. I'm trying not to worry about it too much and know that I should be praying about it instead of worrying at all. Worrying is just not worth the energy, although I am the queen of concern.

I saw a Reproductive Endocrinologist on Monday. He was AWESOME...listened to my concerns and gave lots of feedback. I have to go in and have bloodwork done pretty soon, and hopefully it will show something that can be corrected. He suggested that I start seeing a counselor who specializes in pregnancy loss to help me cope and to help ease the panic that I know I'll feel when I get pregnant again. I am totally on board with that.

Work is going great - Shelly and I ended up in the kitchen today, which was an adventure, but made the day fly by at least. School starts back for me on Friday - eek! It's going to be hard to get used to the homework and projects again, but I haven't taken courses the past 2 quarters, so it's time to get back into the swing of things. Tom and I are also both trying to get healthier together (who isn't at this time of year?) and hope that it'll last for more than just a few weeks. I've started reading the Bible again, with a "Bible Reading Schedule" that I got through our church. Things around here are busy, but I can't complain too much about anything.

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