Saturday, March 29, 2008

One more week

One more week until school starts again for me. And I'm taking 3 classes instead of 2 this coming quarter -eek! I'm not sure how I'm going to do it. My knitting is going to suffer for sure!

I've been working on lots of small knitting projects and I feel like I'm able to get things accomplished that way. I'm finishing up a mug cozy for my sister and then I'm making a beer cozy for one of my brothers. Today Kate and I are going to a "Yarn Tasting" event at one of the yarn stores here. I am so excited - you get to try out all different kinds of yarns and eat chocolate (which is always good).

We found out this week that my dad has another tumor. :( He went for a colonoscopy on Wednesday to be cleared for surgery and we got the bad news. He had a CT scan yesterday and gets the results on Tuesday. I'm really praying for good news. He seems to be doing ok. My brother Mike is here and that helps A LOT! He is a great positive influence and keeps things light around here.

Yesterday we had to drop a bunch of money on getting Tom's car fixed - he was having problems with a coolant hose or something. It ended up costing twice what they quoted us because they had to flush the radiator. Ugh. The fun of having cars! And as fate would have it, my "Change Oil Soon" light came on yesterday, so I have to get that taken care of.

Well I'm off to start the beer cozy! I really should post pics of my knitting on here at some point.

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